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Plenary Sessions

Keynote Speech: Forging Inclusion in Our Preschools

Preschool inclusion has, in the recent months, attracted quite some media attention. Children with developmental needs have always been in our preschool classrooms and have been supported with varying degrees of success. Recent refinements to Singapore's early intervention continuum has once again brought the spotlight to this issue.
In this presentation, an evidence-informed approach will be taken to consider how children with developmental needs can be included in preschools. Successful inclusion in preschools is possible for most children but it requires collaboration between various stakeholders. First, approaches for preschool teachers to include children with developmental needs will be considered. Following that, the role of preschool management in developing a system for supporting inclusion will be explored. Finally, the collaboration between preschools and parents will be discussed.
With this approach, the importance of the broader ecological environment is emphasised but the limitations will also be considered. The talk will end with a short exploration of future directions for the development of inclusive practices within Singapore preschools.

Panel and Q&A:
Forging a Compassionate Meritocracy for Students with Special Needs

In Singapore, meritocracy is widely regarded as a “core principle of governance… and close as anything gets to being a national ideology” (Low, 2014). However, this has led to problems such as the creation of an elite class and a wide socioeconomic gap between those who have achieved and those who presumably have not. 

In response to these problems, local political leaders have suggested that Singapore might benefit from a more nuanced iteration of meritocracy. For instance, the notion of a “compassionate meritocracy” was first espoused in 2013 by then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. It was recently mentioned again in June 2022 by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong at the Forward Singapore Exercise. 

However, what does a “compassionate meritocracy” really mean and importantly, how might this benefit students with special needs? The accomplishments of these students will invariably differ from more traditional conceptions of merit. Furthermore, is it even possible for a meritocracy to be compassionate, and have we considered other alternatives (such as egalitarianism) sufficiently? 

Join us at this panel discussion where we will hear from a group of thoughtful and experienced experts, teachers and parents on their views and perspectives of how we could begin to define an inclusive working model of a compassionate meritocracy for all Singapore students.

Break Out Sessions

A1 (English) Understanding and Supporting Children with Special Needs: a Strengths-Based Approach

How can an educator continue to motivate a child who is disinterested in learning? What are the tools and approaches an educator can tap on to keep engaging a withdrawn child? 

This presentation explores the use of the strength-based approach to enable every child to reach their learning potential. It is a strategy to move away from a deficit-based methodology which inadvertently may lead to an extensive list of things that the child cannot do or is unable to do. This approach works on the fundamental strengths and interests of the child in which learning becomes interesting and meaningful to that child. 

A2 (English) Getting to Know Art Therapy and Ways to Support Children's Learning in the Classroom

What is art therapy? How can it benefit children in their growth? How can teachers adapt art therapy's strategies to cater to children with different learning needs in the classroom?

This hands-on workshop serves as an introduction into the world of art therapy. It also provides strategies as to how teachers can use art-making techniques in the classrooms to guide children towards better learning outcomes and emotional regulation.

A3 (English) Promoting Young Children's Cognitive Development Through Mediating Learning

What do we know about helping the development of thinking in young children and the impact this has? How do we support the cognitive development of children who have learning difficulties or special needs?

This presentation explores the importance of cognitive development, and the impact it has on the different aspects of one's life - from learning, shaping of worldview to engaging with the social world. It also explores the strategies that early childhood practitioners can use with children to nurture their thinking abilities. 

A4 (English) Differentiating Early Years Curriculum for Children with Diverse Needs

This workshop will highlight differentiation as a teaching and instructional strategy to support the learning of young children with diverse needs. Participants can expect to familiarise with the principles and elements of differentiation, as well as practice applying these in making lesson plans of familiar themes in early years curriculum. This is a workshop that emphasizes active learning through discussions and applied practice.

A5 (English) Using Embedded Instruction to Support Young Children’s Learning

What is embedded instruction? How can it provide additional help to children, and enable children with developmental concerns to participate meaningfully alongside their peers?

With classrooms being increasingly inclusive, embedded instruction is an approach that supports the learning of children with developmental or special needs in a preschool classroom setting. In this session, a framework and associated teaching practices related to this approach will be presented. Participants will also be presented with practical handles through a demonstration on what to teach, when the teach and how to teach. 

A6 (Mandarin) “他/她”也值得拥有




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A7 (Mandarin) Session

Session details will come soon!

B1 (English) Fostering Learning by Establishing Routines for Children and Caregivers

What is the role of routines in children's learning? How can families be supported in the use of routines at home? How can educators leverage on routines to embed learning opportunities for children with typical and/or developmental needs in the preschool setting? 

This presentation will review the importance of routines for families and in children's learning in natural environments, explore strategies to guide families to embed learning for children through routines at home, and survey the approaches for educators to work with caregivers and professionals to capitalize on the use of routines in classroom teaching.

B2 (English) Adopting the Co-Teaching Approach to Enhance Inclusive Practices in the Classroom

What is the co-teaching approach? How does it provide a sturcture for the Early Childhood and Early Intervention sectors to enhance inclusive practices in the classroom? How can it positively influence children of diverse needs in the preschool setting? 

In the Singapore preschool landscape, the Early Childhood (EC) and Early Intervention (EI) fraternity has traditionally worked quite separately. With greater emphasis on inclusion in the early childhood sector in Singapore, more students with diverse needs are gaining access to preschool education. This presentation will introduce participants to the co-teaching model and shed light on the positive influence this approach can deliver. 

B3 (English) Getting Acquainted with Universal Design for Learning

What exactly is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? How does this framework support the removal of barriers of teaching, making learning accessible by all students? 

How can an educator can use the UDL framework in their classroom 

This workshop seeks to get participants acquainted to UDL as a learning framework with the goal of nurturing children who are proficient in learning.

Participants will also be introduced to the depth, complexiity and most importantly, possible applications of UDL in the teacher's daily classroom instruction. 

B4 (English) Teaching and Promoting Positive Learning Behaviours: an Evidence-Based Approach

What is the co-teaching approach? How does it provide a structure for the Early Childhood and Early Intervention sectors to enhance inclusive practices in the classroom? How can it positively influence children of diverse needs in the preschool setting? 

In the Singapore preschool landscape, the Early Childhood (EC) and Early Intervention (EI) fraternity has traditionally worked quite separately. With greater emphasis on inclusion in the early childhood sector in Singapore, more students with diverse needs are gaining access to preschool education. This presentation will introduce participants to the co-teaching model and shed light on the positive influence this approach can deliver. 

B5 (Mandarin) 为有不同需求的儿童提供分别式的幼教课程


B6 (English) Keeping Preschool Kids Up to Sp(e)Ed: Social Inclusion in the Classroom

This presentation seeks to break down the notion of social inclusion of children with additional needs in mainstream preschools for educators. Drawing on her own experience, the speaker will cover tangible strategies for teachers to involve children and their friends with additional needs in mainstream settings.

B7 (Mandarin)  幼儿教育与早期干预之融合:为服务全体儿童的融合教育搭建平台 Blending EC and EI practices: A Framework for Inclusion of All Children

What do the program models, instructional methods and curriculum in inclusive early childhood education looks like? 
This workshop seeks to emphasize on how tiered instruction, and activity-based instruction can benefit the children’s learning. Information pertaining to designing environments and positive behavior support will also be introduced.

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