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GS2024: Break Out C.E7 Utilizing Self-Determination Theory for a Mentoring Framework in Early Childhood (For Leaders)

Updated: Aug 27, 2024

*this break out presentation/workshop will be conducted in English


Topic: C.E7 Utilizing Self-Determination Theory for a Mentoring Framework in Early Childhood (For Leaders)

Synopsis: The importance of e2ective mentoring in early childhood education cannot be overstated. It serves as a cornerstone for fostering professional growth, enhancing teaching practices, and ultimately improving outcomes for children. This conference session will introduce Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a robust framework for mentoring early childhood leaders, focusing on how it can be used to support and inspire educators.

Aims of the Workshop:

1. IntroduceSelf-DeterminationTheory:Provideparticipantswithathorough understanding of SDT and its relevance to mentoring in early childhood education.

2. ExplorePracticalApplications:DemonstratehowtheprinciplesofSDTcanbe applied to create e2ective mentoring relationships that support educators' autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

3. DevelopMentoringSkills:Equipparticipantswithspecificstrategiesandtoolsto implement SDT-based mentoring practices in their own settings.

4. PromoteReflectivePractice:Encourageleaderstoreflectontheircurrent mentoring approaches and identify areas for incorporating SDT principles.

5. FacilitateNetworking:Createopportunitiesforparticipantstoshareexperiences and build connections with other early childhood leaders, fostering a community of practice.

See the rest of 2024's Break Out Sessions here!


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