*this break out presentation/workshop will be conducted in English
Speaker(s): Kanniga, Diana Brampy and Sheila Devi (Presbyterian Preschool Services)
Topic: B.E4 Sitting in the Mud through the Unremarkable Days…all hands together!
Synopsis: Josiah was turned away from 2 other preschools because he proved to be too “troublesome and disorderly” for his teachers. Suspecting the unthinkable, that their beloved son may have behavioural or additional needs, they decided to bring Josiah to the hospital for consultation and assessment. The results came back positive…their child had no special needs! Josiah’s parents should be celebrating right?... No...they were at their wits end! What was going on with Josiah…will he be able to go to school where he can learn and play just like every other child…where do they go from here…Who was willing to help them?
Borrow these Human Books (Kanniga, Diana, Samaila and Josiah’s parents) to learn how a literal village rallied around Josiah, sitting in the mud with him through the most unremarkable days to help him grow, play and learn, together, to adapt in a mainstream preschool classroom.
See the rest of 2024's Break Out Sessions here!