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Assoc Prof Tan Ern Ser Speaker Profile

Updated: May 7, 2024

Assoc Prof Tan Ern Ser | Good Start Conference Speaker
Assoc Prof Tan Ern Ser | Good Start Conference Speaker

Associate Professor

Academic Adviser, Social Lab
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Assoc Prof Tan Ern Ser has an abiding interest in studying poverty; family; and social stratification and mobility. During his teenage and early-twenties years, he lived in a HDB one-room, rental flat in Jalan Kukoh. 

He is Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Academic Convener, Singapore Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; and Academic Adviser, Social Lab, Institute of Policy Studies, at the National University of Singapore. He received his PhD from Cornell University, USA. 

He is author of “Does Class Matter?” (2004, World Scientific), “Class and Social Orientations” (2015, IPS), “Public Housing and Social Mixing” (2020, UN-Habitat), and a co-author of “Social Capital in Singapore” (2021, Routledge). 

He chairs the Research Advisory Panel, HDB.  He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2013.


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