It Takes a Child to Transform a Village

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the "what"
Children play an essential role in creating inclusive preschool environments, and by extension, an inclusive Singapore.
The Good Start SG movement aims to raise children who are exemplars to others (both children and adults alike), hence the Little Heroes of Inclusion campaign.

2023 Nomination Details
1. The child must be attending a local preschool in Singapore.
2. Nomination can only come from staff of the preschool the child is attending.
3. The child has demonstrated care and support for their classmate with developmental needs.
Aspects of care and support include but are not limited to:
• Connecting with them as a peer who can learn and play together
• Encouraging effective communication
• Encouraging them to do their best
• Finding ways to help them access learning
• Inspiring others to come alongside to care for them
Consent must be given by the child’s parents for the nomination.
To nominate, please go to this link: https://bit.ly/LHA2023
First 30 PRESCHOOLS to submit their nominations will get ONE FULL DAY CONFERENCE TICKET sponsored by Singapore Kindness Movement.
Nomination closes on 15 July 2023
The award will be presented on 29 September 2023 during the annual
Good Start Early Childhood Conference. We will be in touch with you in the last week of August if the nomination is shortlisted.
the "why"

As part of the campaign, we invite preschools in Singapore to nominate children who have been examples of good inclusive practices. This is an annual effort to recognise and encourage them. Awards will be given out during the annual Good Start Conference.
Through the award, we hope that they will inspire others to learn, play, contribute and participate meaningfully alongside their typically developing peers in the classroom and the community.