Chief Psychologist, Author and Adjunct Associate Professor (Honorary)
Dr Majeed Khader is a father of two children. Tasneem studies at NUS and Raouf (who has Autism) goes to a Day Activity Center (My Inspiring Journey). Majeed has tried to be an advocate for better support in Singapore for Autism and other disabilities. He believes we should do more to support post-18 adults with Autism in Singapore.
He is a Board Member of Rainbow Center, the Singapore representative of the ASEAN Autism Association and previously a Director with the Special Needs Trust Company. He was involved in training law enforcement and policymakers to understand the issues surrounding support for persons with disabilities when involved with the criminal justice system.
As an Adjunct Associate Professor at NUS and NTU (where he teaches and supervises criminal psychology), he continues researching to understand forensic disabilities and autism. He works full-time as Chief Psychologist at the Ministry of Home Affairs.